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Fruit Salad with Icecream

Fruit Salad with Icecream
Here, fruit salad is made with banana, cherries, strawberries, cantaloupe and grapes. The mixed fruits are then served on a bed of vanilla ice cream or ice cream of your choice.
Makes: around 3 Servings of Fruit Salad with Icecream.


Banana 1 Small
Cherries 6
Strawberries 4
Cantaloupe (chopped) 1 Cup
Green Grapes 8
Vanilla Icecream 2 – 3 Scoops

Method of preparation:

Wash all the fruits under fresh water.
Peel and chop the banana.
Remove stem and chop the cherry around its seed.
Remove stem and chop the strawberries.
Chop the grapes.
Mix all the chopped fruits.

In a serving bowl, place around a scoop of icecream.
Spread the icecream and stir in mixed fruits.
Serve fruit salad with ice cream immediately.
Notes: Make sure to adjust the quantity of each fruit to your preference.

Suggestions: Fruit Chaat is all pulpy – Choose fruits that are fresh and not overripe.
Variations: Use the fruits at hand or fruits of your preference.
Other Names: Fruit Salad with Ice Cream.